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Trees on the apron at Watson Lake, CYQH


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I have FTX global installed on my machine and just purchased the NA Blue Pacific Fjords add-on.  After the install, I noticed that trees appeared all over the apron at Watson Lake, CYQH.  These weren't there with the base FTX Global.   Here is a link to the screenshot: http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/u4w (ignore the overkill in AC ::) )   


I've only experienced the trees on the apron at this particular airport.  They could be at others but I haven't had enough time to explore.  PAHN within the region is fine.  I also don't see any trees in the water.


I looked over the forums and saw the terrain.cfg fix as well as updating the libraries.  I tried both fixes and the trees remained.  Perhaps I did it wrong.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Don Purdue

Order: 242678 (FTX Global), 280317 (NA Blue Pacific Fjords)




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