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Any SimConnect experts here?


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Hey all,

I'm getting the hang of using SimConnect to read and write to FSX. I'm tooling around with an interface for my G15 keyboard to turn it into a NAV1/2/OBS tuning device.

I can tune the radios no problem, but I'm currently flying the DC3 in the current GAAR, and it does not have an OBS, rather, it has an RMI (Radio Magnetic Indicator) which (I believe) does the same thing as a VOR.

The problem is, there appears to be no interface in SimConnect to tune the RMI. Does anyone have a clue about this??

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RMI (Radio Magnetic Indicator) which (I believe) does the same thing as a VOR.

Hi Divot

I think RMI stands for Remote Magnetic Indicator which is simply a means to get the magnetic compass away from the magnetic influences in the cockpit by mounting the compass in the wingtip or somewhere remote.. It sends the magnetic direction to the display in the cockpit and so has nought to do with the VOR and does not need tuning as such. Whether in the simulator world you have to 'simconnect' to get it operational I don't know.  ;)

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Im not up to speed on this, but here is something that may be of interest  with a link to a German site  -free ware applet for the g15 keyboard with about 80 different in flight checking info  thingys        http://www.vrisom.de     I thought about this kind of thing when I first started but seemed to have been side tracked with the rest of simming stuff .       

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Hi Alan,

Yes, I've programmed some apps for the G15 display, including a very popular text based web browser.

What I am looking for is using the G keys to drive my own little app that talks to FSX via SimConnect. G1 & G4 drive NAV1 freq up/down, G2 & G5 drive NAV1 decimal freq up/down, and G3 & G6 drive OBS up/down.

The DC3 does not have and OBS, rather it has the RMI, which does not respond to the same SimConnect inputs as the OBS, and none of the documentation shows otherwise.

I was hoping that someone was to say "Oh, just use these events", but I cannot find anyone on the internet who has posted otherwise...


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