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More Orbx Payware?


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Hello folks,

I want to support the idea of missions too and I want to encourage you to start developing them as soon as possible.

There are a few reasons why I am eager to download and buy them:

1.) I'm from Germany. That means that I'm not familiar with Australia at all. For me it is very difficult to find out which flights offer some great eyecandy in the end and which don't. ORBX as the developer could help me a lot by offering missions that offer a selection of great places to see.

2.) I'm am working during the week, so I don't have too much time to explore Australia in the evenings. Some short missions in a range from 30 minutes to 90 minutes would allow me to explore Australia after work without an angry wife by my side.  ;);D

3.) The big plus on missions is that they can create a very immersive atmosphere. Much more than just flying around. As ORBX is already a quite immersive experience, one could top this by well designed missions.

4.) As someone mentioned before missions could be great to increase attention in your products. I would buy them if the pricing would be moderate. I think a price of about 10 Euros would be adequate depending on the quantity and quality of the missions included.

Just my 49 cents.  :)

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We maybe need to talk to " Fermin Fernandez," who has been doing adventures and the like since I can remember.

I used to love (and still miss) his work, especially the approaches into Sydney.

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