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Elevation Issues & Water Tiling [Default FSX behavior]


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I fixed the scenery library layering issue:




I still have some issues and Holger marked the post as being resolved so my apologies for starting a new thread.


I updated all my FTX regions, applied each patch where necessary, updated FTX Global, started FSX after each update to rebild the Scenery.cfg, installed ORBXLIBS last then installed vector.  Somehow after careful update & installation the Vector Scenery.Cfg entries were placed in an un-uniformed way. 


Further to that my night water texture is displayed as green and blue squares over a large tile approx 1000 x 1000 Meters.  I read that Global textures are not DX10 compatible but I didn't have any issues with any textures before updating Global while running Steve's DX10 Fixer.


I have several airports outside of the installed Orbx regions where the aprons, taxiways and runways are raised above the terrain, the grass within some of the areas are sunken into the ground.  User RonF said that he repaired the same issue by reinstalling Vector.




What could have become corrupt in order for the textures and the terrain elevation to be altered in such a way that it is not decernable from within the Scenery.cfg?  Are there other .cfg's that could have been corrupt while updating all my FTX regions including Global and installing Vector?


Would the best course of action be to uninstall Vector and Global and try again?  Could someone lend their expertise in resolving these issues?


Many thanks,



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I installed Wolter's Terrain.CFG from this post and the correct night water texture is displaying now.  What appears as the tiling are mip mapped tiles under the surface of the water.  I have the layers set according to all the manuals I have read but I still get the same display.  Here is a pic from the top-down view using the F12 key.  Again, this happened after I installed the latest update to FTX Global and have still not received an answer as to how to go about repairing the issue, uninstalling etc.  Is everything from UTX, except landclass causing this?  


There is also the issue with the elevated airport surfaces as mentioned above.  Would reinstalling Vector resolve the issue?


I would appreciate someone from Orbx to respond with some answers.



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For the water tiling issue, that is default FSX behavior. 


As for the airports elevation issues, if they pertain to vector I don't know enough about the product to provide any advice. But I will move your thread to the Vector support forum and re-title it so that the Vector developers can see it. 

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Hi Robert,


I've check default FSX on a separate machine, and the tiling is indeed there. It is much more pronounced at night but it occurs during the day as well. One thing to note is that the tiling only takes effect when the generic earth imagery is loaded so no landclass or waterclass textures are impacting these strange grids. But in addition to that FSX has a bounty of strange water effects and grids that are applied to water surfaces and are out of our control.

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Thanks for the feedback Alex.  I uninstalled FTX Global Vector as per John's post and re-installed with FTX Central set to "Global" with Hybrid mode enabled and the elevation issues are gone.


Please mark as resolved.

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