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Core i7 hardware review and test


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Possibly an upgrade via Windows 7 might be more cost effective and productive. ???

The rumour is that ASUS and Gigabyte have about 6 million LG775 socket mobos languishing on their shelves, so an upgrade to a new board using the best affordable 'old' Intel technology CPU with a W7 OS may be a lot cheaper and perform as well as an i7 rig on FSX. Time will tell  ;)
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I don't understand how they can compare a still 1459 US dollars....QX9770...to an 294 US dollar CPU. I have the i7 920 and it won't move the earth but my complete build cost 200$ less than the QX9770.....and I had no where to go but with new everything as my PC was 5 going on 6 years old. All was bought new. I don't see how anyone can get off cheap doing a complete build using an QX9770. I have had this build for 2 months and was on the line with Q6600 and everything else to go with it but went this route. Still would have to have bought all new. I have checked the NewEgg prices every couple of days and while you may find a bargin on a case...an HDD....DVD...but those CPU's have not come down in price but maybe 5 or 6 bucks and I don't suspect they will. I think they will sell out the remaining inventory until all are gone...and in this economy that may be a while....but I don't think you will see any 80$ Q6600's around. Your observation about Win 7 is spot on unless they mess it up somehow before releasing it. I tried it for a few days and could not get the driver for the 9600GT to stay stable on re-boot but when it worked boy FSX was a different bird!!


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