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Is this normal?


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Hello i have just installed REX4 Direct and when i select present weather Fog (from default fsx weather themes) this is what i see!






Just out of curiosity , is this the way you see the fog as well?


Thank you ,  Mike.

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Unfortunately so...

I'd just add a layer of lower visibility in place of the fog, Microsoft basically just stuck a cloud at ground level.





thats indeed normal for default except that you've a 3rd party weather engine... I don't own Rex, I fly Opus, but I would be surprised if there was not an option in Rex to cure that awful fog. Opus does it nicely out of the box.

Ok guys thank you very much! >:(  >:(  Maybe if we switch into prepar3d sometime in the future we will get rid of it !!!

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P3DV2 does have volumetric fog. It looks great compared to the default "fog".

Thanks Outrage, and you are absolutely right! Eventhough i bought Prepar3dV2 and tried it  ( looks great ) i need to change my nvidia card, gtx580 to a better card maybe a gtx660 or a more expensive one gtx780).



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Rex actually doesn't display fog like that.  I've had it for years and using the FSX weather engine fly in real world weather using Rex for my clouds, water etc., which, of course, often means mist and fog and they display on my machine as realistically as you would expect.   Thin, almost transparent in places up to thick when you can see hardly anything at all.


I don't know what it is, but you've got something wrong in your settings or installation mikee.   Try using a Sky Theme of 'Just Right' and Cloud Theme of 'Cumulous 59' in Rex.  But use the FSX real world weather to determine what you should be flying in. 


When its foggy or misty it shows it exactly as it is and here in the British Isles and Ireland we get a lot of that sort of weather especially at this time of year so you've got plenty of opportunity to try it.




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