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Sound problem again


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I thought I had this solved but it has reared it's ugly head again and has an added dimension. Upon landing I get a one stutter before touchdown. I had that before and started using Nod32 and that went away. Now that it has returned another sound stutter has started. When an ATC window pops open to talk to me it will give a stutter....when I close the window and ATC is talking to another aircraft I am also subject to get the stutter. All of this happens around 75 percent of the time. I changed sound cards....turned sound off...disabled sound card...still happens...even though there is no sound but when there is supposed to be sound...landing and ATC. I am clocked but went back and set everything back to default and still same. I am on Asus P6T Deluxe...6gig Corsair mem....i7 920...two 500gig HDD with one dedicated to FSX properly defragged and setup. This just showed up...all was running well. I do have wireless mouse and wireless joystick. Type of aircraft makes no difference. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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G'day Randy,

Over the years i've also experienced sound probs in the form of static in both FS9 and FSX. In FS9 I eventually did a reinstall which fixed it OK but I never found out what caused it. In FSX when I get a bit of static appearing, which isn't very often, i've had success at 'curing' it by lowering the autogen a notch. In another two cases it has signalled that my drivers were about to spit the dummy, and a simple reinstall of drivers or an update have fixed things. I'm sure I spend more time fiddling with the computer than I do flying the sim. Sorry I can't be more specific, but I don't know a lot about computers.  :D

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Thanks for your reply. I may have it fixed...but as you know whith these kind of problems you always wonder will they be back.


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