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Help please! [Black Spikes in Scenery]


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 As soon as  i load a flight i get these black lines. When i press the Alt key they dissapeared. Any idea what is going on? I purchase and installed today a 7" monitor to undock(view) my GPS during flight , i do not know if this is the reason but i have no idea how to fix it.










As soon as i press the Alt key they dissapear !






Any help will be appreciated!

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Is your VSyNC on or off 

Hello Maurice and thanks for your reply.  In my Nvidia inspector my VSyNC is off . I am a bit confused  because i have three VSyNC ------ Vertical SyncSmooth AFR behavior (OFF)   ,   Vertical Sync Tear Control (Standard)     and  Vertical Sync (use the 3D   application .settings).  Which one should i turn ON?

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Set your Vertical Synch to 1/2 refresh rate in Nvidia inspector

And set you frame rates in FSX to 30

Thank you Ziggy i have set them both in nvidia inspector , but in fsx i have set my fps to unlimited , everything is working fine!

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