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EU Scotland-Excess Trees


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Just installed EU_SCO (FSS0260074) (2014-01-01) and have "visited" various outlying airfields, e.g. Kirkwall, Stornoway, Benbecula, also although not outlying, Inverness.


The runways, taxiways and pads have trees growing on them!


I've installed the SCO patch and have recently applied the Global patch 1.2.


After first installing SCO I had problems with FTX Central, there were two buttons for Global and Default didn't appear. Also  I couldn't get the icon to open (but solved that following the forum advice)


Could it be that FTX Central has messed things up? I've got NA, Global, Europe and Oceania showing but no FSX Default. It doesn't make any difference to the excess trees whether "Use Orbx Trees" is ticked or not.


Can anyone help please? 

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Thanks for clarifying the Default/Global issue in FTX Central.


I have been using FTX Global in Hybrid mode successfully with NA and NZ sceneries and after loading SCO I again used Hybrid so that there is a good transition   from Scotland to England. However the problem with the trees showing up on Scottish runways etc occurred immediately. I have been running two UK 2000 airports in Scotland, Edinburgh Extreme and Glasgow Extreme and these are not affected by the problem, but when I remove them the Orbx Edinburgh runways and taxiways become tree infested (like the other Scottish airfields). I have included a screenshot below.


NA and NZ sceneries are unaffected, nor are default FSX airports in Europe.


I'm not clear about what the Orbx Trees option does in FTX Central, but I can say that it makes no difference to this problem whether it's on or off.


I am also running UTX Europe, Traffic 360 and Opus weather with REX textures.


Z2bY.jpg  Not confident about getting the image into this Post, Hope you can open it.



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I haven't made any progress with this problem, Scotland simply doesn't seem to want to work.


I uninstalled SCO using the guidelines for removing regions and found scenery in Scotland was showing ok with FTX Global. I then re-installed SCO but the result was the same as before, trees all over the place!


Interesting observations are;


1) When I was uninstalling there was only one elevation adjustment SCO file to be removed from FSX\scenery (ADE_FTX_SCO_EGEH)

2) After re-installing FTX Central was showing Default, Oceania, Europe, North America and two FTX Global options, with no Hybrid option in Global.

3) Before uninstalling FTX Central showed FTX Global (with Hybrid option), Oceania, Europe and North America.

4) Screen shots of both FTX Central versions are included below.

5) Winter settings showed snow everywhere with SCO installed, without SCO and with Global, winter shows snow mostly on higher ground.





Any ideas please?

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First re-install the latest Orbx Libs will fix the 2 FTX Global problem, always do this after an install.

I would install SCO and set FTX Central to Europe and go check an airport (EGPO for example), if you still have trees then do a search on you fsx folder for that airports - EGPO and see if any files show up other than in the SCO folders, if they do they will need to be disabled. My guess is its Traffic 360 which is causing the problem.


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Thanks for the guidance, I'll give it a try and will report back. Why do you think this problem is only occurring with SCO? I haven't experienced any issues with NA and NZ.



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Followed your suggestions, using EGPE as a test I found .bgl file in Traffic 360 and disabled it (renamed .off). SCO + patch + Orbx Libs re-installed but no success! See screenshot below, By the way, does the black/white foreground texture look ok to you?





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From your picture you still have something interfering as i can see both summer and hard winter trees. Here is what the airport looks like to me (EGPE - flight date 7 jan 2014 time 13:00)


I would start by disabling all other addons in the scenery library then once it looks normal start enabling them 1 at a time until you find what is breaking it.


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Looks as if I may have a long job unless I strike lucky. I'm puzzled why this problem is only associated with SCO. Is there anything fundamentally different in the concept of SCO compared to the other installed areas? I've been running NA for a long time and more recently NZ and have not seen any problems.



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