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Kenai Seasonal?


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Good Morning,

I purchased Kenai almost as soon as it was out and I have to say it's a fabulous piece of work (nothing new here ^_^ ). There is one part of it that has me a bit perplexed however. The seaplane strip doesn't freeze in winter (see pic below). I tried it with the time set to January in order to invoke the hard winter textures, but it's still open. The surrounding swamps and whatnot appear frozen, and of course all the lakes are frozen (the river and Cook Inlet aren't, but those shouldn't be), so this sticks out a bit like a sore thumb. I know they don't permit use of the seaplane strip from November to May, but it still should be frozen, unless there's something I'm missing here. If I'm not, is there any chance this can be included in a SP? Thanks much!



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