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This has probably been asked, but searching the forums didn't help, so...


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Hello, Orbx team,


First, Merry Christmas.


I've gotten back into simming as of about 18 mos ago, and am looking for some honest advice.


I've been flying DX10-based FSX with UTX and GEX.  To me, not much better than FS Scene, but this is just my opinion.  I'm a tubeliner pilot, not an "in the weeds" GA pilot, but it's gotta look "right" out the windows if you know what I mean.


I've been looking at FTX Global (I saw the caveat about the lighting and DX10, no problem there.), and both the Mesh and Vector addons have my eye. 


So, here goes:


How does installing FTX Global over UTX / GEX work, or do I need to start with a clean install?


I fly a lot of FlyTampa, ImagineSim, Flightbeam, and UK2000 products.  How will your products interact with these items?


$85 for Global.  10% off of Vector.  When finished globally (Global, Mesh, Vector), any idea of the investment?  I'm not thinking about all of the little addons, just the major global things I listed.  Would like to have an idea before laying down the credit card.


What else could you add to these questions?  Please advise; appreciate the help.





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Hi Kevin,


Apologies for the delay, many of us are still offline for the holidays. 


You can install Global over UTX or GEX. It will have no impact on UTX but if you have GEX you may want to uninstall it or switch the textures back to default FSX. When Global does it's install it will ask you to make a backup of FSX's main texture folder. If you have GEX still installed those textures will be in that directory and the backup will be of GEX textures. Besides that there are no compatibility worries. 


Addon airports will sit on top of Global, here is a topic on the matter where users have given input on specific airports:




I don't know the specific pricing on the mesh but Vector will retail at 69.95 AUD





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Hi, Alex,


Should I uninstall UTX before installing Vector?


And I'm sorry, I can look it up on the forum, but has a fix to make the FTXG lighting "right" (pinpoint, less bright, etc) been found yet?   


Looking forward to joining the Orbx crowd!



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