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EGTF Issue


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I installed EGTF today. The install was normal. My Central was set to Europe. I have the latest orbx library installed.


One of my problems is. For some reason I'm taking a heavy frame rate hit, and my frame rates drop to 10?. I have 11 of the other England air fields installed. These seem to be normal as far as frame rates 25 to 30.

The readme mentions/recommends in the FTX Aero Tool to use course in the detail bump map part of the aero tool. Mine was set to cracked. Note. I have never used this tool before. When I selected course. I then clicked on apply.  When I did this a box opened up. It gives me four choices to choose from:


1) OK to overwrite this file in FSX

2) Make file the aero default

3) Copy file to your own backup

4) Do nothing with this file


Since I wasn't sure what to do. I selected Ok to overwrite this file in FSX? I'm not sure if I messed up here or not?.. Than I went back to the aero tool and went back to the cracked setting I had and did the same thing.

When I started FSX I thought I would see a data build taking place. This didn't happen?.


Maybe EGTF is real close to an International Airport, which could be a cause for my frame rate hits at EGTF. So for now. I don't know what's causing my frame rate issues at EGTF only.





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Hello GrayRider,


sorry to hear you have issues. Such a performance hit is sure not normal and there will be no difference between the various AERO settings (the file size is the same).

Do you have your streetlights set to 'Day Mode' ? Specially near a huge city this will make a big difference. We are working on the FTX Global light system for the UK which will arrive in the near future - this will bring a very noticeable performance increase. Until then 'Day Mode' is recommended for day time flying.


Please also explore the control panel settings for EGTF. For every day flying  you might disable the animals and set your long grasses lower.

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I have the same issue as GrayRider.EGTF is nearly unusable.

FPS around 10,which get a little bit better when i am in the air and a bit away,at EGKA for example i have more then the double FPS.

Changed nothing at the settings.

I will watch this thread.


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If your referring to the Day/Night Switcher. I keep mine set to day, most of the time. I will how ever recheck it. As a test. In the EGTF control panel. I put each of the control panel settings to the lowest possible settings to choose from. This didn't change the heavy frame rate hit I'm getting at EGTF only. I also checked how my frame rate issue in all four seasons. The max I can get is 12 FPS.


The fps problem only effects EGTF.



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Wow... i have 45 FPS at EGTF and none of the beta testers experienced such low FPS (actually the opposite). Can you please disable EGTF in your scenery library and check how much FPS you get then ?


And what are your settings ? DX9, DX10 ? Locked FPS at 30 ? Streetlights set to night ? (that's about 10 FPS).

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I'll disable EGTF in my scenery library and report back on the results later today. In the meantime my other settings you asked about are:



Setting- FPS is unlimited. At times I will lock FPS at 30

Setting- Streetlights I assume your referring to the Day/Night switcher. This is set to Day



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I did disable EGTF in my library. I put myself at EGTF. My FPS loss did come back to the high 20's flying around the air field.


I then re-enabled EGTF and went back to the EGTF Control Panel. I made two changes again in the control panel. I set the natureflow-long grasses to less. I also changed the static GA planes to less. The rest of the control panel settings/selections I left enabled.


I went back to EGTF and checked it again in winter and summer mode. My FPS is now back to the mid to high 20's.


In my case. The natureflow-long grasses and static planes setting changes I made were/are the cause of my loss of FPS. 



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Glad to hear :smile: !

Maybe i should have made the 'less' long grass setting the actual default. The flow tech is an awesome innovation, but it comes at a price when you control a big amount of objects - like the long grass vegetation.

For a smaller airfield far away from big cities and airports it is not much of a problem because you have great base performance. But inside a very dense area, you might have to reduce the vegetation via control panel settings. It depends on how high your FSX settings (and your GPU driver settings) are and if you fly a more demanding or more basic aircraft.

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