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runway textures [YMML]


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hi all, long time sim pilot 1st time post.

my runway textures in fsx ymml are, to put it bluntly, lousy. They are fuzzy with no clear definition of edges, lines or markings. Strangely it is only the runways and taxi ways in Melbourne that have this effect, no other cities are affected. I have played with all the settings to no avail including FTX Aero fsx and orbx ymml control panel followed all instructions for best possible performance etc.

System info:- windows7 with current service packs.

NVidia GEforce GTX650.1.

8g ram

Intel 2.9 ghz processor.



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Hi Bill,


The taxi and runway surfaces at YMML are photoreal, so they can never be as 'crisp' as the computer generated ones at default airports.


They are also more sensitive to graphics settings.



    Make sure your terrain texture resolution is set to 7cm/px, and global texture resolution set to maximum.


In Nvidia Inspector / Gfx settings

    Make sure you are using Anisotropic filtering (not Trilinear or less)


If you could post a screenshot, that would help work out what you are seeing.  Help with how to do that can be found HERE

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