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A typical grateful ftx/orbs user


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A typical gratitude and a personal request letter for future endeavours.

First and foremost, speaking on behalf of the general public associated with flight simulator x, and fundamentally enhancing the experience that extra mile courtesy of the great ftx crew, I thank you for the realistic, plausible and mind tripping reality you have created for this expanding simulator, truly making it something it was not, upon originality and first release.

You are the reason behind people like myself wanting to reach the goal of physical aviation.

Thank you for the years , and providing the opportunity to experience aviation as it is in the real world, through a 35 inch computer monitor.

One request and submitting of interest, is to find out if there are any future developments for Tyabb airport which is a small general aviation airfield based in lower Melbourne Australia - not too far from lovely moorabbin.

Obviously the endeavour is to create and build everyairport possible, I just wanted to enquire and see if there have been any thoughts to this ?

Kind regards, and happy holidays team

- a dedicated fan

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Hi mate and welcome to the forums!


First, a bit of housekeeping - I'd recommend inserting your order number for any orbx products in your signature. Otherwise you may not get much response to any future enquiries.


As to your question, I'm pretty sure that Tyabb is modelled by the good folks at OzX (you can download hundreds of Australian airports as part of their package). Their address is www.aussiex.org






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