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Upgrading from NVidia 8800GT


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Just looking for advice on upgrading from my present video card. I'm running 1900x1200 resolution & texture drawing is still pretty slow. I could overclock the present card, but haven't had much success in that area. I'm happy with my E8400 chip & the system runs smoothly & cool. I guess "Uncle" Maurice might have some ideas? I don't have (as a pensioner) a fortune to spend, though! Cheers, Malcolm.

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Malcolm, others more knowledgable may help but my advice is to try other options before upping the video card.  FS doesn't utilize the video processor as much as other "games" as it's all done by the CPU, so I would try simply defragging before purchasing.  Ideally with a payware defrag program like Ultimate Defrag which I swear by.  You can gain 10 or more FPS just by doing this, and doing it regularly.  This could help with your resolution issue.


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Thanks Ken, good to get the feedback. I do use O&O defrag pro, & it does make a difference. The reason I queried the video card was after reading an article in PC User which stated that the 8800 series didn't really run at the higher 24 inch resolutions very well. Will do more sniffing around!! Cheers, Malcolm.

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