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FTX Question


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Hello All 


new here, just bought the FTX Global and its very impressive 


i have a few questions, i live in SLC Utah and the scenery generator is drawing pine trees and land in areas that Are not covered with these items 


is there a way to better define the land ?


we have a very large shallow lake called the " Great salt lake " its massive and in the scenery a good portion of it is land instead of water 


thanks advance for the help 



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Hi JHo,


FTX Global is a texture replacement only, it does not correct erroneous landclass or other data such as roads, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water.


So any incorrect data that existed in the FSX will still be present. Here is a visual explanation of FTX Global and what it replaces:







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i understand that 

however the default fsx will show the lake 

FTX does not, it rather replaces it with land ?. again this is a huge mas of water. look on any map of the usa and it can be seen 


its an ugly mud puddle but its still there hahaha

sadly FTX doesn't seem to think its there 


any help would be great 




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Could you show a screenshot of Salt Lake? If it existed in default FSX it should still be there, FTX Global does not replace any files that define bodies of water and so if it disappeared after installing Global then something is very much amiss.





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Hey Alex 


i will send screenshots later 

however it was my own stupidity that caused it. i had water masses turned off in UTX, so it makes sense that FTX didnt reconize the water 

so the big ugly mud puddle is back and looks quite nice actually 


better than it does in real life 


however i do have a few pine trees on the north end of airport that dont exist in RL, 


no biggie thou 


thanks for the help in any case 


great stuff FTX

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