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Paul Baumanis

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I make no apologies for starting a new thread on this airport.

IMHO this is the best airport released by ORBX to date, YMML is brilliant but YPJT has all the eye candy without the frame hit.

I have only just installed this gem and had a short exploration trip before I felt compelled to come back to the forum and sing it's praises.

Take a look at the screenie below and appreciate the extent of the photo real content and how well it is blended into the FTX scenery surrounding it.

Posted Image

As you can see this is the extent of the photoreal that is included around one of the busiest GA airports in Australia (I don't think I have got all of it). When you get down close, you can see the incredible attention to detail. I am still exploring. If any of you are wondering whether to buy this add on, I would say to you, YES, without a doubt. You won't regret it.

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I totally agree with you paul. It was worth the wait. And being as it is my home aiport i for one will be flying in and out of it specially in fseconomy. Hummmm hang on maxter dont you own an fbo at jandakot. If so you may be rich soon.


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I totally agree with you paul. It was worth the wait. And being as it is my home aiport i for one will be flying in and out of it specially in fseconomy. Hummmm hang on maxter dont you own an fbo at jandakot. If so you may be rich soon.


Shaneo, you're quite welcome mate...  Anytime and the fuel is cheap  :D

Cheers and all the best.

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