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FTX Au Traffic questions


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hello everyone,

i already want to apoligize in advance for my question as i know it certainly has been asked many times before but unfortunately i cannot find the posts anymore where they have been answered. therefore i see no other way than simply to ask it again  :-\

i currently use as AI traffic " WOAI " . it is quiete good but in australia most airports are too empty for my taste. so i actually consider to install your FTX AU Traffic.

now my question: when i install AU Traffic, will it in any way make problems with WOAI? will there be double AI or will i lose my current ai traffic?

for example: i love to fly cangooro route. so, if fly from heathrow to Changi and from Changi to Sydney, will i only see traffic when i enter australian airspace and loose the rest of my traffic while in europe or souteast asia?

one more question refering to AU Traffic: does it have a stronger fps impact than WOAI? and does it use default sounds from FSX or something else?

once again, sorry if this questions have been answered before  :-\



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