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Central adds an area button!

Mike R

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Hi All.

          Very strange thing after purchasing and installing EGHI. FTX central now has an area button for Oceania but, on opening central a 'region files validation report' is generated for a number 0f 'custom.au' files...Not quite sure why this is happening as I don't, and never have, had any Oceania areas installed! The good news is that EGHI appears to be installed and working perfectly. Any ideas?




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A bit more info on this..Installing EGHI appears to have created an FTX_AU file and placed the FTXAA_ORBXLIBS 24082013 folder with it's associated scenery and texture files in it! As I've already got the appropriate updates for the EU regions I do have the files relating to EU regions in this file are already installed.......Strange!


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Hi Mike,

The FTX_AU folder is normal for the libraries. It is a remnant of when all airports were developed for Australia. As for the Oceania button I don't believe it should be there and a reinstall of the latest libraries may fix it but otherwise it isn't hurting anything!



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Thanks Alex. After posting I'd had a think and guessed the AU file might have been there before but I'd just missed noticing it! As you say it doesn't actually stop anything working but it does generate the 'validation report' each time I start central. I just wonder. If I delete the files within the AU folder whether the nuisance validation report would go away?


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Hmm now the validation report upon opening FTX Central is something I haven't heard of before. If it's referencing custom.au files those live in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.au". I'd back them up before removing them just in case. I don't really know what would cause the validation report to open every time you run Central, it's only supposed to do that if you generate a report in which case it should say "Custom Files Validation Report No errors found"

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The report commences on opening Central and refers to a long list of those files being not found however, there doesn't appear to be an issue with FSX but as I don't fly in Australia I haven't looked there to see. I'll just try removing the files within AU, (to a safe place), and see what happens.

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Alex. Are these missing files which are being reported part of Global or part of the Australia region?

The thing I find most strange is that I had a perfect and up to date installation then installed Southampton airport and the world went mad!! Suddenly there's reports about a region I don't have and a button to select Oceania which.....I don't have! The only good bit is that FSX works fine!


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SOLVED... This morning I installed FTXOrbxlibs131027 and the Oceania button was removed. The report issued on opening Central was removed. So. Back to normal operations. Quite why this was started by installing EGHI airport I don't know but as the problem is solved for me I don't care! Just thought I'd post this in case anyone else finds themselves with the same issue.



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