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Orkney, Shetland, and the Outer Hebrides..Trees

Mike R

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Hi chaps.

          I was wondering if there is any likelyhood that in future updates something could be done about the tree density on the outer islands of ORBX Scotland? The tree density on the Orkneys, Shetland, Harris, Lewis and the Uists are far too dense. Autogen normal pulls them down to almost acceptable but Autogen extremely dense takes them to PNW wooded!  

          I don't pretend to be an expert on tree types but I would say this problem could be solved in two ways. Firstly, the trees used for the autogen are typical woodland trees which are very very rare on the islands because of wind and weather as well as ancient tree clearing. Those that remain are significantly smaller, (here I'd hope a local with some knowledge may even identify what they are). Secondly, you could reduce the current coverage by around 95% to achieve a closer accuracy.

          I'm a regular visitor to the islands and I find the current tree coverage really detracts from the enjoyment of the islands in ORBX Scotland which is, otherwise, an excellent product.

          I'm sure there are some regular local users of  'Scotland who may well have better ideas about this but I'm hoping they'll chip in on this thread.



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