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PAKT "Jumping" Issue


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Good Day,

Just purchased PAKT and it's great. I've noted and researched the other elevation issues with PAKT and noted the fixes, but my issue is slightly different than what my searches turned up. I notice that the airport and surrounding region (all under the PAKT scenery though) seems to "jump" intermittently. On final for RWY11 I noticed the airport seemed to "jump" up about 10 feet or so (maybe more - hard to tell), then it would drop back down as I got closer, then up again. This is not a continuous jumping, but rather a sporadic one. At no time did any scenery or the runway disappear and the airport doesn't change in appearance. It's just the whole area seems to jump, as I say.


I have SAK, Tongass and PFJ areas installed, along with Global which is set to Global w/Hybrid and Orbx Trees enabled. I also have UTAK with PAKT DISabled as per the instructions. PAKT was initially layered below Tongass, but is now layered above and the problem continued. I do have FSG installed, but don't see the PAKT_ADE... file that Holger mentioned in one thread. My version of FSG is pretty old. I'm running FSX Deluxe on a Win 7-64 with an Nvidia GTX 560Ti card. I haven't noticed this problem outside of the add-on PAKT to date.


If this has been written about and I missed it in my search, please just point me to the thread and I'll read about it there. Again though, I do not have my runway disappearing below ground. It's the entire PAKT area that jumps up and down as a unit.


Thanks very much for the help.



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