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Google Earth FX Tracker Problem


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I had FSGet.fxtracker installed and working fine,then did who knows what and all the flight tracks and Ai disappeared from Google Earth. The Google Earth version is 4.3 7284.3916

If you try to start FX tracker from the tray icon it says error while trying to start Google Earth

There is no longer the flight track and AI aircraft stuff down the side of Google Earth. I still have all the Au and freeware airports but not tracking.

Another odd thing, it says FS Tracker is connected to FSX as FSX loads but when it is up and running the icon says waiting to connect to FSX.

Is there a kml file missing or some thing. I have never really understood how or where they fit in.

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The problem turned out to be a missing KML file that comes with FSX Google Earth Tracker. It was deposited in an obscure file in Application Data,it is now up and running just fine. Loading the Au Blue and Gold and AussieX KML files makes it good fun to use.

I now have the choice of Moving Map, Wigets or FSXGET to use while flying.

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