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300 + frames per second in ftx oz


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That's right !   I took off out of yfrt in the default cessna 172 with the steam gauges for some desert touch and goes. clear skies max autogen; (not much there but a few houses an antenna and scrub brush)

but upon hitting the shift z key the first of the three digits never changed from 3 so over 300 fps !!

really is smooth . Now I know I wont be getting this performance at ybbn but you all should give this experiment a go .  FSX is really an amazing bit of programming even with its flaws;  and with ftx scenery and oz x turning boring desert into more believable textures. a real hoot at 300 fps !!!! 



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Yes i have also experienced theese mysterious things in FSX (not 300FPS though) and Copyed CFG, NVidias settings and so on.

It seems that it never last and i havent been capable to repeat these senarios again.

Cudos to the mann, who can explain the miracle and do it over and over.

Pray for the miracle to last. ::)


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