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Although at this time the most complicated plane I fly is the qw 146

I have put time into ifly 737ngx but i find the simplistic fmc in the qw to suit my needs and time constraints and still feel like a good fake pilot. With this hobby I have learned to fly Ga with all the nav aids , although I will always sweat an approach in bad ifr conditions....!

I have been feeling as Of late that perhaps I need to challenge myself more.  I know ga flyers relish real air and a2a of wich I have all xcept the b17 and 337.


So the question is ,what are the best realistic sims out now.


for other than ga flying 


I would say pmdg ngx 

majestic dash

airbus extended


anyone care to comment or opine for the sake of such.....

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I'm with you on the Q-400. I don't own the others. I'm flying this one a lot and now that I've figured out how to get it airborne and I'm enjoying the feel of the cockpit and the handling. Using A2A accufeel I'm getting some bumps and drops which I've experienced in the RW plane and the corrections feel very believable. I think its a pretty realistic model and I am getting better at using the fmc and reading my instruments. I'm glad I bought it.

good flights, Cal

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I find the programming of the real fmc quite tedious . I assume with practice that is easier.  I also assume that most real pic's have the coPIC program the fmc.

but I dont know.

on a2a forums they had recommended turning of global turbulence it actually ripped apart my lancair ...they say its a bug.

so the dash is realistic as in programming fmc flight dynamics and all that.?

I bought the airbus extended but that thing is daunting.  I really feel less than worthy now that I have been around the flighsim community for a while 

there are some smart folks around here and this hobby is way more than a video game.

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