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Performance overheads


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Hi folks,

        Need an opinion...has anyone done any measurements on what performance overheads apps hooked up to FSX via simconnect or the FSUIPC API cost in terms of frame rate. i not so much concerned about what load the apps put on machine resources themselves, more about what they pull out of FSX.


Martin C

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Sorry, should have worded that better. What i'm interested in is what load applications hooked into FSX via simconnect or the other API's place on the program in terms of hits against the framerate. In effect, how many external programs can you run against FSX before it starts to drag the framerate down?

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I shouldn't think simconnect would have much effect because it,  like the graphics that are sent to the GPU for processing, is a gateway to send info out just like FSUIPC, GPSOUT.dll etc .

Granted higher FPS makes a flight more fluid but I think many are too concerned with it.  I'd be looking further afield than simconnect too and at other integrations in the system that are superfluous to day to day running and also not forgetting processes that are normally hidden as a general rule that can be terminated in many cases.

Black viper is a site that has many tips on terminating processes not needed for general day to day PC gameing etc.

Sysinternals Web Site as part of Microsoft run by Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell has a swag of tools to assist in diagnosing what can and can't be terminated.

I'm not sure whether  these sites have much info for Vista uses yet though.

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Thanks Maurice. Yeah, i've been mucking around with killing running process'es and in reality it doesnt seem to make a lot of difference to percieved frame rates. Interestingly the biggest FPS change i got was tuning the graphics card settings via the Nvidia tools and letting the app take over a lot of the control. I'm paying a bit in scenery definition against performance, but even my tired old machine is giving me an av. 20-22 FPS with peaks up into the 30's in rural areas. I guess i wont worry so much about external loads if i can maintain that.

Now if i can just get the terrain loading times better :(

Oh. well back to setting up FSINN. (Sorry Jack, still not my favourite bit of software) :)



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What are you actually connecting with simconnect anyway?  'cause I was going to suggest you load it up ( and then look at the graphics THAT WILL be your highest load and bottle neck of that you can be assured  that will consume more than 50-70% of the resource load when running FSX , so any other dll or tool connecting in or out of FSX would be small potatoes I'd think.

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