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Lost water in EU England/Wales

Torbjorn Kuntze

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So, I just don't know why, but when I enable FTX Europe I lose a lot of water turning into green and pleasant land!

Can anyone help me? What's wrong? When I disable FTX it goes back to normal, getting my water back.

Don't know if it has anything to do with UTX Europe or GEX Europe (both installed) or what?

Here's some pictures showing the problem:

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Thank you for any help with this!


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It could be yes.

1. Backup your old file (terrain.cfg)

2. Set FTX Central to "Default" and then close.

3. Copy terrain.cfg from “your-fsx-folder\ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral\Work\†and overwrite the copy in your fsx root folder.

4. Set FTX Central to “Europe†and then close.

5. Test

Doing the above will remove any other edits to your terrain.cfg that other addons might of made so they will need redoing again.


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Yes indeed! It was my terrain.cfg that was the problem.

Thank you, now it works. My water is back!

Question now is what add-on that did it, and what other problems I now have with other installed terrain and scenery's. :mellow: Well, I guess time will tell.

Anyway, so far so good!


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