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CEF4 runway texture question

Stan V

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This is not a bug report per se, i.e., it's not something I think needs to be corrected unless you are for other reasons issuing a CEF4 patch in the future, but it is more of a curiosity question. I usually choose to show aircraft shadows when I use fsx. Today, while taxiing my aircraft down CEF4 Runway 30, I noticed that as I traveled along the runway, the shadow of the wing on the runway went through varying rectangular shaped "cutout patterns" as though it were being masked out by unseen polygons used to form the runway. These effects varied in different sections of the runway. In a few, the shadow disappeared entirely but most of the time I observed at least a partial shadow. Can you explain this phenomenon to me?

Stan V

Order Number: FSS0202136

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Hi Stan:

The polygons are texture layers. If they're too low, they have the tendency to "flicker". You lift them up by a cm or so - they can block the a/c shadow on the ground. It seems as well that some GPUs (or their set-up) can make it worse, with others it looks perfectly okay - as on my box. I'll see what I could do to improve on it...

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I am having similiar issues but where anyplace the runway has cracks, it causes rectangular shapes that are darker in color (similiar to shadows.)

Is it possible it is the same kind of problem with the polygons?

(sorry if I am hijacking your thread Stan...just seemed like possibly the same type of issue)


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Hi Dale:

In your case (and I've seen it in another post) your settings don't display the alpha channel correctly, thus you're getting those darker shapes around the cracks. The cracks are on a rectangular plane with alpha channel, thus only the background would show and the actual crack would be "sitting" on top (if you know what I mean...) :) As I stated elsewhere - I don't try to understand any of the "shader" stuff and special settings, thus I'm running everything plain vanilla and am glad that I don't have this kind of issues... ;D

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Yup, got the Claresholm one as well already. Another great piece of work. I fly out of Okotoks so I have been to all these places, and it's amazing how great and true to real they look.

(maybe Okotoks can be your next?)

Although, I have to admit Okotoks looks pretty good in FTX, just needs some more houses built up around the strip.


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