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Updates and patches


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I have tried a number of times to download the new ORBX 130301 update, and also the FTX EU ENG patch 002, but each time am unable to open after downloading as it seems to be a corrupt file in each case, the same problem each time, is anyone else out there experiencing these problems or is it just me, I am not sure what is going on here,

Could someone please help.


John MacDonald

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No problems here just checked.

try the usual clear cache, restart pc/router

have you tried the cloud links found in the release announcements

Orbxlibs 130301 http://cloud.orbxsystems.com/orbxfreeware/libraries/combined/FTXORBXLIBS_130301.zip

England patch 2 http://cloud.orbxsystems.com/orbxfreeware/OrbxFTXEUENGPatch002.zip

also try a download manager


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Cheers for those thoughts, did what you said and rebooted the router, and downloaded from the cloud server, came through without any issues, it is all good.

Now off to take a flight around Wales.........


John MD

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