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FTX ENG Patch002 - Which is it supposed to be, Default or Europe?


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FTX EU ENG Patch 002

Today, 04:11 AM

Posted by Ed Correia in Release Announcements

Hi all,

Incremental patch for England is ready. SP1 is required prior to installing this patch.

This addresses a few issues and ensures compatibility with the recent FTX Wales release.

Changes are

- Added content from Wales in the overlap area

- Updates to airports in the overlap area

- Added new textures for the overlap area

- Removed lighthouses that are outside of England (conflicts with Wales)

- Updates to core files to make compatible with Wales

- Fixed spelling mistake in user guide

- Updated KMZ

Please ensure FTX Central is set to Default before applying this patch.

Download links


Posted Image


No size in bytes, always helps to know what size your DL should be before applying a patch or installing an addon. Size in MB can vary from source to the PC.

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