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Freeware server down


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So I bought AUS 4.0 at the new discounted price w/ senior discount and I love it so far but when I went to install the 4.02 patch and Holger mesh and other freeware airports I get the following page:

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Website currently unavailable

The website you are trying to access is currently unavailable. Please try again at a later time.

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Any advice?



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Ok, looks like there is an issue in the San Mateo exchange your connection is running through certain 'parts' of the www are down for you at the moment, please go to your comcast.net account login section and check for details.

Really the solution to this is.. try it tomorrow and let me know mate

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Ok, I unfortunately cannot see comcast.net service status because you need an account to login but they might be working on their IPv6 or DNSSEC which could cause issues like this.

Tomorrow before trying, clear your cache again and your temp files and cookies, reboot your computer and modem (leave the modem off for a minute or so) and try it again. IF you still have issues, I will look into an alternative for you.

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Well, I cleared the cache,temps and cookies, shut down everything and rebooted and no changes.

I stll can't access the downloads for the previously stated files or any patches from the support page.

Let me know what to try next once you recuperate from the OzX debacle.

I'm not in a rush.

Thanks and regards

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Hey mate,

Sorry it took me a while to get back, yes, please tell them that there seems to be a DNS issue where you modem does not 'like' the DNS of our freeware servers, ask them if perhaps myftx.com is blacklisted and if so to remove it from their list, second of all ask them why the tracert (traceroute) ends at the San Mateo exchange. Ask them to perform a line reset for your modem and get them to walk you through a factory reset of your modem

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jay,

I don't know who did what or to whom but I was able to successfully DL and install AU SP 4.02 and the freeware Murray Island Airport this evening.

Looks like problem solved!

Thanks for all your help and first-rate support.


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