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New processor


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Hello guy's , I need your help concerning my new processor which i have recently purchased , an I7 3770k 3.5 ghz with turbo mode up to 3.9ghz. I am about to overclock it up to 4.5ghz or more... Air Cooling and i need you advice . Do i have to turn off the turbo ratio in the BIOS , and if so will i have a constant speed of 4.5ghz ? If i am not running Flight simulator, my pc will it run at 3.5ghz (turbo3.9ghz) or 4.5 ghz? In the BIOS do i have to turn the Hyperthread off (because it is ON at the moment - and in my fsx.cfg i have include [JOBSCHEDULER] AffinityMask=84 according to Kosta's guide). Do i have to increase the core voltage up to 1.25 or more? Any advice will be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance, Mike.

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careful the 3770 runs hot..!. that is why I am only at 4.3......... I dont think you need to disable turbo mode .... when I am not running fsx my processor throttles down to about 1.6

Thank you very much for your advice, i appreciated it!
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