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FTX Central Before a Flight

Andrew 737

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When England is loaded you will still see other areas but the autogen and some of the textures maybe wrong, depends what is used in each region.

Hi guys

The above quote is from Paul webster - Can someone just clarify?

If I have Photo scenery installed for england as well as EU England (but EU England *NOT* active) and select Oceana in FTX Central, will the fact that Oceana is selected and all the Orbx scenery (including England) shows in the scenery library - cause problems as described in Pauls quote above?

My intention would be to fly to oceana from England (this is just an example so please dont all start on about fuel etc)

I dont want to un-install EU England unless i really need to, as I have not completely given up on it and am still testing various settings.


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If you want your PHOTO SCENERY on, then you set FTX Central to DEFAULT and in the scenery tab of your flight simulator options you make sure your photo real package is ticked ON.

If you want ORBX ENGLAND on, then you set FTX Central to EUROPE and in the scenery tab of your flight simulator options, you make sure your PHOTO SCENERY is ticked OFF.

If you want your ORBX OCEANIA products on, then you set FTX Central to OCEANIA. IF you have any photo real products for the Oceania region, then go to you scenery tab in your flight simulator options an make sure your PHOTO SCENERY is ticked OFF.



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Hi Sam

Thank you for the detailed reply but, alas, you missed the point of my question!!!

I will try and explain myself better this time.

I want to fly out of England with my photo scenery - it is in the library and ticked

I fly to somewhere in oceana - I have selected oceana in FTX Central

As a consequence of selecting Oceana in FTX Central ALL my Orbx scenery appears in the FSX Library including England

Will the 'un-selected' Orbx England scenery that now appears in the FSX scenery library (as a consequence of selecting Oceana in FTX Central) cause problems to my 'SELECTED' photo scenery?

I hope this is clearer

Thank you

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With the way that FTX Central functions, i.e. you can only have one region active at a time, I don't see any reason why your England Photo Scenery would be affected regardless of what shows in the scenery panel. 8)

Hello Jetstream

Thanks for your contribution

I just wondered because Paul said even if a region is selected other regions WILL display but not properly

This is now irrelevant as I have uninstalled England

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