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Mt King William... an OZx gem


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Mount King William, one of the most tricky and challenging strips available from the masters of the craft at OZx.

Deep in the wilderness of south west Tasmania, this is a tiny, narrow strip on a heavily forested slope.  Landing is only practical uphill, which requires some edge-of-the-seat work to line up for finals.

The Goose might seem like a strange choice for such a tiny strip, but despite her massive presence, she's a truly extraordinary short strip bird. 

Approaching from the east, hunting for the strip on the slope facing the Mt King William tower... there it is!

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Slow right down on downwind, get the flaps and gear out.  Nice view down to the south there...

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Hard right turn and descent into a tight and low turn over the treetops, brushing up against the slopes of Mt King William.

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There are optical illusions here... the descent is just above a downhill slope, but finals are over an uphill slope, including the strip itself.  Very tricky to judge.  And you do not want to tangle with a treetop out here.

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Gently does it... the Goose delivers. What a bird!

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Images are linked to 1920x1200 versions.  Sorry about the quality - this laptop is a poor excuse for a flightsim machine.

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Guest SimFreak

Was flying there yesterday with real weather on. Horrible crosswind and gusts. I don't think I would have tried to land there for real under such condition. Great fun to try it in the sim though, very nice shots of what looks like a great flight!

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Now, we just need an Aussie Goose - I think it will need to be either historic or fictional, because none on CASA books at the moment.

Good point! Did a tiny bit of digging... seems this was/is a Grumman Goose which in 2002 had reg VH-MBA (photos in Bundaberg) but in 2006 it had DQ-AYL (Fiji) (photo at Archerfield, with comment "Sitting under the skies she won't be returning to anytime soon.").  Another photo after the paint at Caboolture.  Just goes to show there's an amazing of diversity of aircraft in these parts.

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