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EU Eng - Fall Trees - a request


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Would it be possible to give the Fall Tree textures a bit more visual pop? Fall is one of the prettiest times of year and its all due to the trees and their magnificent colors but there isnt quite as much 'visual pop' as I was hoping for.

Look at this first shot which shows a large area of trees that should have (IMO) lots of eye catching yellow with orange and periodic reds.

(I've seen some reds - and they are good colors - there just isnt enough of it)(shots later)

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out the left window at the same location is a shot that shows good red colors and I like the 'smattering of red'

but it just needs a bit more. maybe if the light pale yellow-green areas of the trees were nice yellow like the fields in the springtime, then the reds would show up better?

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Here is a shot where you can see a little bit of the nice colors in the texture. Its actually more vibrant than the trees.

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The texture underneath the evergreen trees in this shot looks like a good source of colors for trees.

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I think it looks OK now. This shot shows good diversity. but it would look better with more yellows and oranges and just more 'pop' (for lack of a better word)

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I've never been to England so I don't know what it looks like in the Fall. but I can't imagine its much different than northeast USA. Gorgeous trees look gorgeous everywhere :)

Thanks for listening.

P.S.: All fall trees should have 'pop'...no matter where in the world they are. England is just the first place Im sure should look like places where Im familiar with.

P.S.2: This is obviously not any kind of urgent thing. I just wanted to bring it up.

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