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missing autogen houses at s45


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Hi all just got s45 there seems to be missing AG houses on the beach side of the airport all the houses from one end of the runway to the other are gone the photo real texture is there but I was flying there last night and the default pnw scenery had all the houses. is this a known issue

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well it seems they are gone for good as when I unticked s45 in the scenery library the did not return. I would like to return to default pnw s45 with all the houses visible. If I were to delete s45 from the hd ,rather than untick the airport in scenery library,would the default pnw AG return,or was that block of AG deleted all together with the s45 install and cannot be retrieved.? I am more than happy to revert to the default pnw s45 and await a patch and reinstall when its available but if the AG houses are gone for good I will just wait on the patch and leave s45 installed.

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its not that I like houses more than the airport its just that the airport is so cool it kinda ruins the immersion factor when I get above the tree line and see flat houses on the landscape. I have done some more reading on the forums and discovered that Mr. Womack intends to release a patch with photo real textures around the airport. I will just leave it installed and await that. and when you look at the actual google earth photo it seems that the houses adjacent the airport are not as dense as the subdivisions at both ends. Any way I own all of mr. Womacks work except plum island and its all top notch . I am happy to know that it was not a problem on my end as in missing install, or corrupted download files.

thanx again Friedi. Cheers!

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