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Problem to landclass texture to FSX after install FTX PNW DEMO

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I like your all of product and i wanted to buy some of them. But first of all, i wanted to make a test on my pc. I worried to some things. So I downloaded FTX PNW DEMO version first. I started FTX Central and i choose "North America" section and than selected "apply" thats ok.

After that, I started FSX and go KHQM airport, when I saw the texture i was horrified because every things were wrong!!! The all grass were black, some water texture shape was square, every things but every things are look like terrible.

I want to some test on the other side of the world which were the out side of Demo Scenery Coverage Area! But unfortunately all the landclass texture are mix. The all of them are intermingle.

So, i want to uninstall FTX PNW DEMO and for this, i run "Uninstaller PNW DEMO" program. And before this step i started FTX Central program first and then choose Default FSX.

But nothing was changed. All FSX ground texture were be destroyed!

How can i return my FSX before preceding install FTX PNW DEMO?

I am waiting your help


Serhan Onur

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There are some screen shots;

After install Orbx FTX PNW DEMO

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I Lost all of my world ground texture, all of cities, all of terrain data and I am very very angry to my self that why did i install FTX PNW DEMO? How did I do this mistake?!

And, before install that FTX PNW DEMO!!!

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Serhan Onur

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