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jumping out of a perfectly good airplane


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Ian McPhail's most recent comment in the P3D thread got me to thinking about something I once did.

Have you ever been skydiving?

I did a tandem jump once. It was a blast. We drove to this little airport about an hour from Dallas and after a short instruction,

they put us in suits and took us up in a small Cessna (I think). We got to just over 11,000 feet and my friend went first. He just got

up and jumped right out. I have this strange thing where -- i love heights -- but not in buildings or on mountains -- I love airplanes and flying but I was surprised that my mind wanted to jump out of the plane but my body was saying "What? are you kidding me?" :)

I forced my body out onto (under) the wing and grabbed the strut where I was told and when he tapped me on the shoulder, I just let go

and it was totally silent at first. The world was flipping around in all directions and then suddenly there was a mighty rush and I remembered the position I was supposed to be in and so I did that and we straightened out immediately.

It was beautiful. I could see Dallas and the airport far below. It was just a few clouds. The lake that was 40 miles away was

plainly visible. The lake closer to us was also visible ( I think it was lake Tawakoni or something - dont really know).

We were getting closer to the ground and I felt my goggles trying to leave my face so I reached with one hand to starighten them out

and when I did we started to go out of 'flat' and so I put my arm back out and then he pulled the cord and the next thing I knew, we were just floating down. he tried to ge me into doing spins and stuff but the meds I take make my head loopy. I didnt need any spins.

but we got down to the ground and it was a fantastic experience. My ears were stuffed like often happens due to pressure changes but that cleared up like it usually does. It was really great. Something everyone should do at least once.

ever done that?

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I have never done that I dont think I ever would . To me it just seems soo crazy. but then again I have never bungie jumped and I dont like roller coasters. even though I love flight sim I like to stay on the ground! Now if they had a simulated skydive in fsx that would be neat.

Cool story Dave, but if that was me in your spot I probably would have soiled myself , thrown up, or passed out or all three! not every one has steel clankers !

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I remember after I had done that, I was talking to a female friend of mine and I made the comment that after getting up there and watching my friend jump out, "I didnt have the guts to chicken out". Seriously, it was exhilarating(sp?) but intimidating. Im very glad I did it.

Ive been bungie jumping too but thats a terrible experience comparativley speaking. Bungie jumping just gives you a headache. Did me anyway.

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Have you ever been skydiving?

No, but many times had to hold a drop plane steady in 'straight and level' flight with engine idling whilst a load of white faced birdmen clambered onto the strut and paused interminably whilst gathering courage to let go.

One of the statuary pilot requirements was for a knife to be carried to cut free any harness which became caught on the aircraft, so before departure it was explained that the evil looking weapon would be used to poke them in the ribs should they pause too long.

Shortly after my arrival in Papua New Guinea a C182 dropped a group of parachutists and thereafter inadvertently entered cloud in a spiral descent - flew through the descending group, killing two, but landed safely. :-X

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