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~ Flying Home ~ ... PNW to CRM, unedited & lots of 'em, Stark's to Joseph, Oregon


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Had felt it coming on for a while now. Time to make my recent move "official", flying out of 7S3, Stark's Twin Oaks & taking the Lancair IVP to her new home in Wallowa county.


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Am just loving what Bill has done with Stark's.





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Not easy lifting off here in the Lancair. Extra flaps, more trim...






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...but it's a can-do, if you really care. Posted Image






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One last thing to do downtown Stumptown before bidding, "See you later!"






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There... that ought to hold me for a little while... maybe.






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Had best split Rose City before they shoot me down!






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Portlanders may like this shot, way busy. Autogen set "normal". Looks pretty good... especially when flying.






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Okay... will ease up my index fingers & let the view out the windshield speak for a spell...






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Passing Pendleton, continuing to follow I-84E for now.






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Time to add some steam...






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...in order to hop over the Blue Mountains of Oregon.





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Cool mountains.






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The terrain & vegetation varies nicely down there.






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Nearly across the Blues, peeking at LaGrande down there in NE Oregon.






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Decending some to grab some better shots.






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With LaGrande in the rear view mirror we bank towards a beeline for Joseph...






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...& start heading up again.






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Crossing the Eagle Cap Wilderness.






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There's Joseph down there, Wallowa Lake on the right & KJSY, Joseph State Airport visible.






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Flying out 7 miles while descending, then banking over Enterprise.






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KJSY coming right up. Gear, dear, if you please.






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Lovely & scenic out here 'round these parts. Posted Image






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Hmmm........ a mite low.






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More steam!






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Sort of like landing in St. Maarten, heh heh heh!






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A wee gust of wind just before touchdown. Love it!






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No problemo.






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Let's get her fueled up before she goes into her hanger.






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FTX makes even the small airports look like addons, man.






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Gonna take my slender little, cross-eyed date to Caldera's for dinner. Nice treat, that!





Thanks for stopping in, people, & having a look-see! Posted Image


Until we meet again...






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A real nice series. Enjoyed veiwing all of these my friend! ;)

Looks like you covered some miles with all that changing scenery, what a trip and glad you made it safe just almost clipping that fence there. and when you need to get there and get the job done, I think the Lancair makes a fine choice of bird :)

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Thank you for your favorable comments, John. Appreciated.

What I'd forgotten to mention is the fact that my shots look different because my FSX views remain @ magnification 1.5X. 30 degrees of view perspective, 30 degrees of view from my monitor. [TERRAIN] LOD_RADIUS=6.750000

Perspective... use it or lose it. :lol:


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