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this is ridiculous...

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i downloaded the pnw demo and tried to install on a basic fsx. the installation routine do not let me choose any other folder than C/Programs/ORBX... but when i read around here, it should be in the fsx folder. anyway, i installed succesfully and wanted to start ftx central. guess what? there comes a message up: NO FSX ENTRY FOUND IN REGISTRY... i mean, how is this possible? it isnt, right, because fsx is legal and installed cerrectly. thats poor orbx. even that i cant find any helpful information on your support websites... thats not stat of the art. a solution would be very helpful here, because i tend to buy some stuff. but when such basic things aren´t working, it think twice about buying it.

BTW: where can i find the uninstall? cant find the demo-uninstall anywhere on my pc... another poor thing orbx?

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i did before i wrote this lines above.

maybe it sounds harsh, but i think you cant release a prog with such a major issue. it seems i am not the only one.

please dont see this as an personal attack. your work seems to be stunning, but this install-issue turns me off.


so, i figured out this.

your registry fix tool isnt working for me. another tool is working well and pointed me on some problem.

this is the tool: TweakFS - Registry Utility for FSX, Version 1.3, TweakFS - Cool Tools for Flight Simulator, http://tweakfs.com

i used this one and when i played around, it showed me a path to a FSX-Demo, previously installed. this was already deleted, but

it seems there is still a registry entry for the demo. orbx of course cant handle an empty folder, so i changed the path in tweakfs to

the new, full version exe of fsx. now it works fine here!

thank you for your support, no offense. ;)

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