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Odd Graphics in orbx Pacific Northwest Demo?

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I have been flying around in the PNW demo the last few days to decide if I want to buy the full version. I am seeing a helicopter half submerged in the tarmac at Port Angeles Coast Guard station & several parked aircraft with the nose inside a hanger (through the wall) it is parked in front of at Fairchild Intl in Port Angeles. I just wonder if anyone knows if it is a setting I have wrong or is this typical of what the full program will be like? I have to say I love the detail programmed in and this is just for the spring; I suspect having the full version year round would be great.

On a second question; I have a copy of REX2 on the way to me and wonder if anyone has experience with both orbx and REX2 together and what the impact to FSX might be?

Thanks for your input, especially if you know of a fix for my first issue.


computer specs in case it helps answer the questions:

FSX Gold; ORBX PNW demo installed; Windows 7 Home Premium x64; Intel Core i7-2600 3.4 GHz quad-core w/Hyper Threading; ASUS P8P67 EVO LGA 1155; G.Skill Ripjaws Series 4GB DDR3 1333 (x4); EVGA GeForce GTX 470 (Fermi) Superclocked 1280MB; 2 WD Caviar Black 1TB (setup in RAID 1 for mirroring); Intel Core i7 compatible Dark Knight-S1283V

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Hi Jerry,

Easy question first: REX2 should be just fine with FTX. We all use and love Rex environment enhancements (Actually it is the only environment add-on I use)

Two things to check:

Make sure FTXCentral is set to North America. It is cometimes worth applying default and then reapplying North America, lest any of the files get mixed up.

FSX Mesh setting should be set at 5metres. Mesh complexity at 100%

See how that goes, and perhaps post a screenshot if that doesn;t fix things.

I haven't specifically looked at Port Angeles (but am working on an airport nearby, so I really should take a look sometime, I guess.)

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Thanks for the info about REX.

I checked FTXCentral and it was set to North America and I did as you suggested and set the FSX default and then reapplied North America. Then checked my settings and was going to paste a screen shot here but I can't get that to work.

My scenery settings are as you suggested: FSX Mesh setting should be set at 5metres. Mesh complexity at 100%.

I checked out the Port Angeles Coast Guard ramp again and it seems to be ok now. The helicopters are sitting on their wheels now instead of submerged in the tarmac. Then went over to Fairchild Intl in Port Angeles to check out the jet with the nose stuck in the hanger wall. That is still the case but the aircraft is only there at certain times. I found it there with these time settings: Spring, May 4, 2012 at 18:54. I was going to paste a screen print of this also but can't make that work. This one might be a bug?

The other thing I tried to check out in your demo is the light tweaker system. I followed the instructions in the manual but got an error when I tried to open it from the tools menu. FSX was not running. The error was "Error in procedure GetLightMode: Could not find file 'C:\FSX\ORBX\Scripts\FTXStatus.cfg'." Should this work in the demo or is it only in the full version? I will check back here in case you have a fix for me.

Thanks so much for your help.


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The lighttweaker should work in the demo. you might be running into a Windows permissions issue. UAC off, Run as Admin.

I am guessing the jet at Fairchild is probably AI ... so there may be a slight adjustment of a parking space required.

Good to hear Port Angeles sounds fixed.

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UAC was and is off & I set preferences to "run as administrator" and then opened it using right click run as administrator but still got the error. Then I tried to apply FSX default again and then back to FTX with same results. I also checked the "run as administrator" setting in the \FSX\ORBX folder where the program resides and it was set to "run as administrator" there too. I still get the same error message. Don't worry about this if there is not an easy fix; I'll just wait until I buy the full version to get it fixed. It does sound like a slight tweak to your AI parking location at Fairchild Intl might be required.

I really like your PNW so I will probably get it soon. Then you will be hearing from me more often if I find other problems after we get the light tweaker fixed.



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