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FREE BEER...repaint WIP


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After I finished up Tejanahawk, I wondered how that scheme might look adapted to the BF-108 which is another favorite plane of mine. It turned out fine, then the funnybone kicked in and I added some teeth on the air intake...kinda looked like buckteeth...and being a German plane it should carry good beer, so...I present Tejanawench...the bucktooth beer maid. :D

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FREE BEER...that outta make it popular on the ramp...

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The pinup, yeah shes another andorian...gotta keep a theme going. I tried to give her buckteeth too but the pixels were too small. The German phrase should translate to 'Bucktooth barmaid/waitress'...perhaps a German speaker can help me correct it gramatically as I just found the words of an internet translation site.

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Insert tap or into port..free beer as advertised 8)

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Here is the general layout, when I release it I will probably release dual textures...one with the funny stuff and one without.

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Another layout shot, used the grey interior.



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I have adjusted the alphas and spec files as much as I can I think. Should be pretty much done now.

Here are some more shots. I made a 'no funny' version as well...just the layout and reg number.

No Free Beer

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Free Beer

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I changed the title to Hasenzahn-Kellnerin Posted Image Thanks Mathias for translation help.Posted Image

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