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Lancair eypoint and front view...


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Here is a series of photos depicting the Lancair on the ground and in the air from both outside and inside. From the ground shots the Lanciar is at 0 pitch attitude and you can see very well out front. While in the air in the exact same view, you cannot see out front at all without really raising your eyepoint. Which I can do but I first wondered if I have a bug or is this just how it is?

The example in flight is with the autopilot and the load out is 2 180 lbs humans in the front seat and full tanks. Clear air. Trimmed by the autopilot. Configuration is clean.

The eyepoint in these examples are the out of the box viewpoints that the plane comes with. I do use EZCA but when I raise my view to see out the front, half the instrument panel is out of view which is not so bad but presents an awkward feeling of I am jetboating through the air. At full cruise I would expect to be almost 0 pitch but this is closer to about 4 degrees nose up.

Am I doing something wrong?

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Hi cvearl

In the aircraft cfg they have provided 3 different views to chose from..Just slash out the 2 you dont want.. look for them under views in the aircraft cfg..If that doesnt work for you then you can make other adjustments in the CameraDefinition.001 parameter to suit your needs,however it takes awhile to fine tune to your liking.. I use the excact pilot eyes setting and works for me... sometimes if you view out,, more of the cockpit will be displayed


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