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McAfee Says Orbx Libraries 111207 Has Trojan

Captain A

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I have been using McAfee Internet Security for many years and never had a problem until now :wacko:.

At the end of installing Orbx Libraries 111207 McAfee Quarantined FTXFLIGHTS_NIGHT.EXE and said it was a Trojan.

I tried restoring this file but every time I tried turning night lighting on or just looking at the file in Windows Explorer would course McAfee to Quarantine it again.

McAfee's web site said it is a unknown Trojan.

I tried "excluding" or "trusting" FTXFLIGHTS_NIGHT.EXE in McAfee Internet Security but it did'nt want to give me the icon to click those options!

I tried reinstalling Orbx Libraries 111207 with McAfee turned off and after turning McAfee back on there was no difference.

I then got on live chat with McAfee and they had me try a bunch of different things but nothing helped.

Then I turned McAfee Internet Security off and with FTXFLIGHTS_NIGHT.EXE restored in the Scripts Directory, I went there using Windows Explore, right clicked on it and had McAfee scan it manually. McAfee said No Virus found. I then turned McAfee Internet Security back on and the problem went away ::)! McAfee don't Quarantined it any more and I have been turning the lights on and off at Anacortes and it works great! I'm not sure if what I did fixed it, but it is working fine now. I don't think FTXFLIGHTS_NIGHT.EXE was changed in any way? Does any one know if 179KB is the right size for this file?

Next time I do a fresh install with Windows I don't think I'll be using McAfee. To switch now might leave to many McAfee files on my system?

The only one reason I have a Computer is because I LOVE Orbx FTX :wub:!!!

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Yes, I wrote McAfee an email about the false positive they are producing on that. Their official response was (4 days later I might add) pretty much for me to go away it will be looked at when they are ready

McAfee was also the same company who thought it was a great idea to put www.fullterrain.com as a malware site and www.orbxsystems.com as a 'hazardous site' in one of their updates.

Ah, yes, the joys of being an admin ;)

Glad you got it working mate :)

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Ask 30 different people ... get 30 different answers.

McAfee is awful (first thing I removed from my new Dell laptop) AVG got the boot after it kept quarantining iTunes (!!) for well over a week. Guess I must be the only person with iTunes, if they didn't pick that up!

Try !avast for a free solution. It is faster and less false positives than AVG. Set your FSX folder as an exclusion.

There are many others (I haven't had luck with Kaspersky at work for some reason, Norton is meant to be better nowadays - but I'm not going back to that multi-tendrilled monster, Work has PC-cillin -- which is quite adequate and has decent "parental" controls)

!avast has been robust, regulatly updated, no false positives (the biggest nuisance) and free for personal use.

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OK, Just found a fix.

In McAfee Internet Security under Real-Time Scanning Settings / Settings / Extended Protection / I unchecked the 2 items:

-Active Protection delivers real-time defense against the latest viruses, spyware and threats directly to your PC

-Scan for viruses by identifying threat patterns

After doing this you can even scan FTXLIGHTS_NIGHT.EXE AND FTXLIGHTS_DAY.EXE and McAfee says there OK :D!!!

I hope this is helpful to all you McAfee users but beware your protection may not be as good as having those 2 items checked. I remember in the past with Norton, etc. I had to turn those settings off too and never had any problems.

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