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Mitch's Aspen EFD Baron N3TAMZ repaint


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Hi there,

I saw MitchE's Oz repaint of the Baron with the Friendly Panels Aspen EFP500 panel retrofit and I couldn't resist asking if he could do a special N registration. I know it's sentimental but my daughter turns 3 in december and I asked Mitch if he could do the N3TAMZ registration. TAMZin being my daughter's name.

Me and my daughter do regular flights together and it was time that she got her own plane ;) And as I totally lack the skills to repaint I was very glad that MitchE had the will and patience to make me a personalized paint. Thanks again Mitch it's much appreciated.

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Me and me daughter flew a little IFR flight from the paintshop at KORS to the homebase at Mears/Concrete. Enroute the weather was terrible. Low ceilings and nill visibilty and what's worse, a 25 knots crosswind, lot's of up and down drafts and I had to hand fly her because the harsh winds decoupled the AP several times. I guess the AP couldn't cope with 25+ winds!. Together with a little girl wanting push all kinds of buttons that's a hand full I can tell you!

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At 10 miles and 7000 ft the controller adviced me that the airport was straight ahead, of course I couldn't see nothing. But at one instance the clouds broke open just enough to see that around the airport there was enough visibilty. So I said to the controller that I saw the airport and the controller let me go.

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The GNS530 with the EFD were enough to give me situational awereness but the clouds were closing again rapidly and I think I officially had to do a missed appoach or worse (as their is no published missed approach for 3W5) I had to divert. I may have done something which in the real world the FAA would frown upon. I continued descending blindly... :-X

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And indeed at reaching 2000 ft their was more than enough visibilty to land at the airport. Okay to be honest I was too high and did a go around, a neat pattern (too high again at base and final :( and a little too close for comfort when some rookie pilot was homing in on downwind too fast) ) but the landing itself was uneventful.

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And there she is in all her glory..

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And here's the little pilot with paint all over her face :)

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Thanks guy's, your comments are much appreciated.

The Friendly Panels Aspen EFD offering is very nice. A new panel and sharp VC. New sounds. Enough functionality to keep you busy.

It gave the default Baron a new lease of life. Actually I'm very positive about this developer. And I love the repaint ;)

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