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Glorious, glorious Fall City! [21 shots]

Misha Cajic

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Here are some screenies from an exploration of Fall City I just did :)

Well what is there to say? Apart from that Fall City is the best scenery package ever created, EVER!!! And coupled with PNW, you've got some serious realism there...

I never imagined my FSX would be like this, the NatureFlow, PeopleFlow, VehicleFlow! Back when I first started 1 year ago, I thought that default was 'as real as it got'. But I was obviously wrong. I realized that the possibilities is FSX are endless. You know how I came to realize that? Because of Orbx :)

And you know what is unbeleivable!? I think that Fall City is just perfect now. But you guys are going to add more stuff for free! Even butterflies apparently! You people are legends ^-^

Getting about 20-40 fps everywhere. Using ENB too.

BTW, for those who aren't fortunate enough to have Fall City, the orange car in the first shot, white in the second and blue in the sixth are all animated as part of VehicleFlow. I shall very soon be making a short video which will focus on advertising VehicleFlow, so look out for that ;)

So please enjoy these 21 screenies from the best scenery package ever created :D I think thay speak for themselves really when showing the beauty of Fall City.

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Ok, enough exploring on the ground! Lets take to the skies!

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Short finals...

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AAAAHHHHHH!!! Steep approach...

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But smooth touchdown and at least on the centre!

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And shut her down and save her for another spin later. For now, let's go read some newspaper like this guy is :P

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Thank you so much Orbx and Russ White and Jorge Amengol and everyone else involved for this gem :)

For anyone thinking about buying 1WA6, then you can't! It's MY airport now! LOLOL Jokes! What I mean to say is, rush out to the FSS or the FSpilotshop or whatever your local Flightsim reseller is and buy this airport immediately! You certainly won't regret buying it.

Cheers everyone!

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