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Lancair Autopilot NAV mode doubt


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I still refuse to think that its a bug rather than a misunderstunding in system operation by me!

in consecuence I posted in the Lounge section without luck!

So I will repeat the question here that maybe more Lancair/Orbx product´ users will see

(Please moderator feel free to delete "Lancair related" post in the Pilot´s lounge section and sorry for bother)

Original post:

"I was messing a little bit with the avionics in the Lancair, I want the AP to function in NAV mode but I cant get it to work.

When I switch HDG (Heading) it reacts and turns and follow the heading bug.

But when I switch to NAV (Navigation ) it does nothing, so I think that Im missing something here.

I input the VOR frequency in the Nav/radio nº1

I make that frequency active

I select radial in the Sandel in Nav 1 option

When that signal becomes active (Morse code heard) and CDI starts to work

I hit nav mode in the S TEC 55 AP but nothing happens (airplane doesnt start to follow that course)

I also have the HDG/GPSS switch with the HDG option highlighted."

Any idea?


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I just tried the nav mode in the Lancair and it works fine for me and all the steps you are taking are correct so not sure why its not active. just a thought when you select nav mode cycle the Z key and see if it make any difference..


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Pics as I promised....

Taxing the Lancair looking for Rwy 30

Nav 1 activated at 113.00 active vor frequency

and cdi needle selected at R330

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Starting a gentle turn

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Trying to get some offset from the radial

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At this point I command a HDG mode in the AP looking for some distance away from the VOR (the Lancair responds to this HDG mode Smooth as Silk (Love it!)

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At nearly 20NM from the Vor I will start to turn to somewhere in front of it

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Almost done

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Ok, switch HDG move Off and Switch NAV mode On........ wait a Little bit and Nothing happens (Lancair dont start intercepting course)

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Lets try another thing Switch HDG and NAV both together and same result nothing happens.....

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Untill I found out what is wrong in my procedure enjoy the view

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This post its practically duplicated in the Lounge section......I now someone its going to get mad at this. If moderators take actions on me, its Ok


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