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Lancair related.....


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I was messing a little bit with the avionics in the Lancair, I want the AP to function in NAV mode but I cant get it to work.

When I switch HDG (Heading) it reacts and turns and follow the heading bug.

But when I switch to NAV (Navigation ) it does nothing, so I think that Im missing something here.

I input the VOR frequency in the Nav/radio nº1

I make that frequency active

I select radial in the Sandel in Nav 1 option

When that signal becomes active (Morse code heard) and CDI starts to work

I hit nav mode in the S TEC 55 AP but nothing happens (airplane doesnt start to follow that course)

I also have the HDG/GPSS switch with the HDG option highlighted.

Any advice here?

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Mhhhh......Im not treating this topic as bug, because I dont consider it as Bug rather than a misunderstunding in systems by me, but maybe if moderator put this thread in a better section of the forum it can have more atention maybe?


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I also have the HDG/GPSS switch with the HDG option highlighted

Ok but AP in Nav Mode work or not?

should you switch that to gps ?

I thought in that option but it becomes a GPS NAV mode rather than AP Nav mode..........

Quite confussing right?

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It works here with the 1.2 Lance. After some seconds, the AP will have turned the plane to line up the CDI with the commanded course and then hold it.

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That GPSS/HDB button just lets you choose the nav source. So, for the ground based NAV tracking like on a VOR and ILS, your setting (HDG) is correct. Your other steps look correct too.

If you would mix up the from/to indication though, you may receive an AP turning into the shortest direction available which may not be the one you've intended. On the above picture, I've commanded a course of 171 inbound, so towards the station.

Mind the manual explaining the actual NAV capture. Maybe that's another item currently preventing the operation. Hoping it helps. :)

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Pics as I promised....

Taxing the Lancair looking for Rwy 30

Nav 1 activated at 113.00 active vor frequency

and cdi needle selected at R330

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Starting a gentle turn

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Trying to get some offset from the radial

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At this point I command a HDG mode in the AP looking for some distance away from the VOR (the Lancair responds to this HDG mode Smooth as Silk (Love it!)

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At nearly 20NM from the Vor I will start to turn to somewhere in front of it

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Almost done

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Ok, switch HDG move Off and Switch NAV mode On........ wait a Little bit and Nothing happens (Lancair dont start intercepting course)

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Lets try another thing Switch HDG and NAV both together and same result nothing happens.....

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Untill I found out what is wrong in my procedure enjoy the view

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Nice screenshots. :) Where are you flying there?

Skudda, when you do exactly the same, at the same location but with another plane, does it intercept the radial?

Another one. Did you see the CDI needle moving at any time? I can't see a movement on your screens, that's why I'm asking. Some VORs don't offer the radial readout.

Can you enable the bearing pointers on the Sandel to allow a look on where the VOR currently is and how this position relates to your CDI setup? This would help to see if the CDI commanded course is too far off the actual one, which may lead to a strange or non responding AP.

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Where are you flying there?

YBCS Cairns! Australia

when you do exactly the same, at the same location but with another plane, does it intercept the radial?

The First plane that Im trying to interact with AP in NAV mode is Lancair so I cant answer that.....will need to figure it out what other Plane/AP own this capability and will give it a try.

Did you see the CDI needle moving at any time?

I used to set up Nav radios and Sandel in ground.....but as soon as I take Off and receive signal the CDI needle comes alive and points at the right direction

Can you enable the bearing pointers on the Sandel to allow a look on where the VOR currently is and how this position relates to your CDI setup? This would help to see if the CDI commanded course is too far off the actual one, which may lead to a strange or non responding AP.

Right now I will Jump in the sim to double check it!

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New try......

Airport YBCS - Rwy 15 - Vor Frequency 113.00 ( VOR is at my back a little offset to the left ) Radial Chosen 330 Outbound aligned as Runway!

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So I took off and climb runway heading to 4000 feet and at roughly 29 NM away start to turn left 90 degrees to get some offset

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Done... lets wait a minute or so.....

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I will start to turn to face 330 heading inbound this time

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everything its ready to hit nav ap button.......once done it starts now really a gentle turn..........in the opposite direction?!

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Mhhh maybe its looking for a better angle to intercept....let wait and see.....come on dont let me down!

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no...he continues turning in a non stop way and achieving bank angles in a really dangerous way........its not going to end well!!

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Once again NAV AP switch off and I get with the controls.........not going to let this crazy device destroy my airplane.

Seriously I almost uninstall and reinstall again to check...but surprisingly everything works HDG mode, Altitudde mode, VS mode. so I will refuse to reinstall for the moment.


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If you fly manually and keep the VOR needle centred and then engage 'NAV', does it track the course then?

The bearing pointers come on when you press 'BRG' on the left side of the Sandel by the way. They will show the current bearing and distance to the VOR and help a bit on visualizing the CDI setting in regard to the current position.

Otherwise I'm clueless, Skudda. You procedures look correct to me. There is a slight chance that a mismatch in the registry mixes up certain things in regard to AP functions. Can you try the registry fix from here?http://www.flight1.c...sp?page=library You just have to point that tool to your fsx.exe and reboot. Run it as admin. If that doesn't help, maybe the reinstall of the plane does.

Since you are not only seeing a strange NAV capture behaviour but also a failure to hold the current altitude while catching a radial, something may indeed be mixed up. That 'overbanking' shouldn't happen and I can't trigger it here for example.

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