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WA45 Water Elevation


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O.k., could you please set FTX Central to North America and check in Scenery\World\Scenery if the elevation adjustment file for WA45 has an .OFF extension ?

If it doesn't, please run the scenery validation from FTX Central Tools and check again.

If it still shows the wrong elevation, please reinstall the PNW.004 patch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Steve,

just now I've read this thread and I may help You with Your problem.

I don't know what happend but I have a solution for You, till this problem maybe will patched.

I have made a new AF2-file for the Olympic Airfield and named it WA4S, because S looks nearly like 5.

When You will use it, You can download it at the link below.

Just copy the AF2_WA4S.bgl You find there Into Your FSX > Addon Scenery > scenery.

When You start Your FSX after this and call for WA4S You will find Your aircraft just left in front of the runway, but not in water.

Hope it will happen at Your FSX.


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Hello Steve,

could you make another trying?

Look in your FSX for Scenery > World > Scenery > ADE_FTX_PNW_WA45_elevation_adjustment.BGL.

Make a copy from ADE_FTX_PNW_WA45_elevation_adjustment.BGL and save it in a separate folder.

Then delete this bgl in the above mentioned first folder. Start your FSX and look what happens.

If it should not bring the solution to your elevation-problem, go back to the original before you did my suggestion.

Hope for a success. ^-^

Excuse my bad english, please.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I figured out my problem. No further help from Orbx unfortunately, but thanks for trying to help Dieter.

I apparently had not removed the PNW demo from my machine. So I did the following and the elevation is now normal:

1. Run the PNW Demo Uninstaller.

2. Reinstall PNW and Patch 4

3. Installed the latest Orbx libraries.

Hopefully this will help if someone comes across the same problem.


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