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Hello from Northern Ireland (Norn Iron)! I am about to make my first Orbx purchase, having been a satisfied VOZ user. I have heard and read great things about the Orbx range, so I'm looking forward with great anticipation to joining this vibrant and exciting scene :-) 


Ian J Patterson 

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I'm here to gather more info about FTX Global. I'm absolutely a potential buyer of the system, so please get FTX Global from the drawing board and out in action a.s.a.p. Even though many might rate FTX Global to be fairly high priced, I believe that the intermediate price is absolute reasonable compared to the monstrous work that already must have been necessary to make this project come live - and all the work that will be necessary forthcoming. But of course, be gentle on us users - pricewise that is - the best you can.


So hurry - I can't wait to get reed of all my old scenery and install ONE seamless scenery for mother earth! Does FTX Global include a detailed mesh?

I have family in QLD and NT, I love Australia and I love your products. So don't disappoint me ;-)


Best from MulderX of Denmark

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Guest Alitalia

Hi all I have to say that you are the numbers 1, I bought scenarios that will get now into signature.

I love you, you're awesome is a pleasure buying products orbx.

Hi all

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