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The Only Post About September 11th

Jay Kae

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To avoid all sorts of posts everywhere on these forums about September 11th and the sad anniversary it is having today, I am putting this post out there and locking it to avoid problems.

I would like to express my deepest feelings of sympathy to all the people who lost during those hard times, I remember exactly what I was doing at the time it happened, I remember the phone ringing within a minute of the first plane diving into the first tower. I remember personel of my company not being there the day after. I was affected on the other side of the world by an American tragedy. That makes it our tragedy, this post is to commemorate all people who have ever been killed innocently, everywhere, anywhere by anyone. September 11th was a grim and dark reminder of what we can do to eachother, how evil we really are and until everyone on this piece of dirt realises this there will never be a true peace but 9/11 was also a reminder of what we can do when we work together, the rescue services, civilians who helped out, people banding together in a time of need, that is the start of a true peace for everyone and anyone who dwells on our Mother Earth.

May Peace be bestowed upon you all.

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